About Us

We make your data work for you.

DataviCloud is an all-in-one data platform that helps you curate, analyze & visualize your organisation’s data and turn it into a real, strategic asset. 

Our Mission

Large firms and enterprises can make great data-driven decisions. And why not? They have the resources and deep pockets to set up data infrastructure and build data teams.
But what about growing businesses? 
For them, the cost of making a mistake is very high. It can even be a make or break, especially given the uncertainties we’ve experienced in the last few years. We believe that businesses of any size can and should have access to valuable organisational data and be empowered to make better decisions. This can happen only when the entry barrier is meaningfully lowered.
Hence, DataviCloud. An all-in-one platform that is easy to set up, access, and use. It can be no-code, low-code, or pro-code depending on your needs. It’s affordable. And it’s full-service, which means our dedicated support team and the community we’re building will help you as you wade into uncharted data territory.

Our Story

What startup story today does not start with ‘Once upon a time, there was a pandemic…’? Ours certainly does. 
COVID-19 happened and with it, remote work. Then came macroeconomic headwinds and a transition to hybrid. The way businesses worked, handled data, and made decisions changed almost overnight. GTM approaches changed. Customers’ digital footprint got wider. Information poured in from an increasing number of sources.
Suddenly, the processes and dashboards of the past became inadequate. Data teams had to scramble to put things together, triangulate and make sense of disparate data sources, to help decision makers stay ahead.
One sunny afternoon in Chennai after the lockdowns eased, we—Vikas and Sentthil—both Freshwork alums, met over biryani at a Dindigul Thalappakatti. While swapping notes, we were surprised to see how aligned our thought processes were.
Both of us felt strongly that no firm, especially young and growing ones, should feel they’re flying blind amidst turbulence. We both agreed that a simple analytics tool that can turn data into value for firms of all sizes would enable them to not just survive, but thrive. 
From that conversation, DataviCloud was born. Take a look around and please—leave your details; we’re always up for conversations on working in a data environment and building a data culture.

Meet The Founders

Vikas Kumar

Founder & CEO
I am passionate about making data work for businesses. For ~9 years, I worked in the high-growth environment at Freshworks, playing key roles in the CEO’s office, growth analytics for the GTM org, and product analytics for the product org. In my last role, I was director of product analytics

Sentthilkumar N

Co-founder & CSO
I am a sales guy through and through. For over two decades, I have worked in global techno-sales roles including Business Head, Corporate Sales Leader, Alliance and Partnership Lead, and Growth Catalyst with CXO level engagements in India, APAC, GCC, Europe and the US.

Our core values

Elvis Presley is supposed to have said that values are like fingerprints. Everyone’s is unique and we leave them on everything we do. Here are ours.
Sustainable growth
Growth is important, yes. But growing sensibly and sustainably is just as important to us. All our business decisions are taken with this in mind.
Customer empathy
We built DataviCloud because we saw and felt the pain of growing businesses and their humans at work. Without this empathy, we cannot solve their problems.
Employee wellbeing
Innovation and human ingenuity thrive only in an environment where people are doing well physically and emotionally. That’s why we’ve created a workplace where people are happy to come in everyday, form friendships, do their best work, and feel appreciated.

About DataviCloud

DataviCloud is a unified cloud-based data platform that offers analytics and insights to business users by making better use of data captured from existing tools and systems. Using our vertical SaaS data platform, companies of any size can build a 360-degree view of their business, without needing to build a large data team. We are an enabling partner, helping businesses run profitable and sustainable operations, find growth levers, spot trends, misses & patterns, and make better decisions everyday.


We can curate data from any source or application across Sales, CRM, billing systems, customer support, and others. All it takes is API!

For the Love of data!

Crafted with
in Chennai